Appendix C. Git Workflow

Table of Contents
C.1. Install Git, Version Control System
C.2. Git for the Brave
C.2.1. Local Start
C.2.2. Sharing the Local Work
C.2.3. Others, Those You Share With

C.1. Install Git, Version Control System

In the following yay, choco, and brew are package managers in their respective operating systems.

In a terminal to install git do
yay -S git
In an administrator terminal do the following to install git
choco install git -y
On Windows part of the installation is a terminal program git-bash for your convenience. It works with a Unix like interface. You may use that or the regular terminal program.
In a terminal to install git do
brew install git
All Platforms
Irrespective of platform start a terminal and key in the following, each line concluded with a carriage return (enter, ↵), and substituting your own details for foo and bar.
git config --global "foo"
git config --global ""
git config --global init.defaultBranch main
git config --list