25.3. Heroku Hosting Setup Step, Do It Once

Go to https://www.heroku.com/ and sign up for free. Then click on the documentation for Node.js. This is your source of info. Use it as a reference. Now let us install their developer tools.

Navigate to https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/getting-started-with-nodejs#set-up and install the heroku CLI tools for your platform. To verify do this from the CLI

heroku --version
heroku/7.60.1 linux-x64 node-v14.19.0

After the installation, login to heroku. This will start the browser where the actual login will take place, if you have activated 2FA, authorize by your phone.

heroku login

This creates a hidden permissions file for heroku. Having that you do not need any further authentication when pushing to heroku.