B.4. Install Git, Version Control System

In the following yay, choco, and brew are package managers in their respective operating systems.

In a terminal to install git do
yay -S git
In an administrator terminal do the following to install git
choco install git -y
On Windows part of the installation is a terminal program git-bash for your convenience. It works with a Unix like interface. You may use that or the regular terminal program.
In a terminal to install git do
brew install git
All Platforms
Irrespective of platform start a terminal and key in the following, each line concluded with a carriage return (enter, ↵), and substituting your own details for foo and bar.
git config --global user.name "foo"
git config --global user.email "foo@foo.bar"
git config --global init.defaultBranch main
git config --list