NML Says

Cloud Computing, Practicum II

This Lesson’s References


  1. Cloud Computing Beginner to Expert with 3 Projects
  2. ACG Projects: Build Your Resume on Azure with Blob Storage, Functions, CosmosDB, and GitHub Actions
  3. Learn to Cloud

Cloud Compuying, Hand On cont.

Today we push on with the work outlined in the previous lesson. It must be completed for later presentation.

In our own experiments we have followed Cloud is free, Projects, Project 3 - Database and containers. This is a description of a step by step method for achieving the goal. We reached 4. Deploy a ECS Cluster in EC2 and got stopped by a “service not available - try again later”. That later is now.

There are som discrepancies between the documentation in Yassin’s writeup, and the screens on the AWS pages. They are minor, and due to maintenance changes/updates in the AWS software. Read Yassin’s instructions very carefully, and you will prevail.